Old drunk guy tried to wear pants like a shirt – Funny Video

Old drunk guy tried to wear pants like a shirt - Funny Video This old drunk guy refuses to believe that he the pants he is holding in his hands are not a shirt. watch as he tries in vain to wear his pants like a shirt, sticking his arms in the leg holes, omg this is so funny! Some other guy even comes to try and help him. It is not possible to watch this without laughing.

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Pas heroj spašava ozlijeđenog psa sa autoceste

Pas spašava psa Jednog psa udari auto na prometnoj autocesti. U pomoć mu priskače drugi pas i odvlači ga sa prometne autoceste. Pravi pas heroj, nažalost nemamo informaciju da li je ozlijeđeni pas preživio nezgodu. Sve to zabilježeno je kamerom, pogledajte video u nastavku.

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SnaĹľni vjetar postigao autogol – video

Vjetar postiže autogol U drugom poluvremenu utakmice niže njemačke lige između ekipa TSV Wimsheim i TSV Grunbach prošle nedjelje, igrač Grunbacha pokušao je ispucati loptu, ali ju je snažni vjetar vratio nazad točno iznad glave vratara Grunbacha i tako doveo Wimsheim u vodstvo od 1-0.

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